Terms & Conditions
© Copyright Out of the Ashes Ltd. All rights reserved
Out of the Ashes Ltd shall hold responsibility for the accuracy of the information they publish and neither the scheme operator nor the scheme owner shall have any responsibility whatsoever for costs losses or direct or indirect damages or costs arising from inaccuracy of information or omissions in information published on the website on behalf of Out of the Ashes Ltd.
Commercial use or publication of some or all items displayed on this website, including reproduction, storage, modification and distribution, without gaining prior written authorisation from Out of the Ashes Ltd, is strictly prohibited.
Out of the Ashes Ltd strives to ensure that all information presented on this website is as timely, unbiased and helpful as possible and accurate at the time of publication. However, in no way should the information contained on the site be construed as professional advice, or be used in lieu of such. Use of the information provided on this site is voluntary and the Out of the Ashes Ltd cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions that may occur in the information provided, or for any actions resulting from the use of such information.
Out of the Ashes Ltd will not warrant that the functions contained in the material of this site will operate uninterrupted or without errors, that defects will be corrected, or that this site and the server that hosts it are free of viruses or bugs or represent the full functionality, accuracy and reliability of the materials.
Any communication made through this site will be treated as confidential.
Your use of this site constitutes full acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you choose not to accept terms and conditions in full, your use of this site should be terminated immediately. These terms are construed in accordance with, and governed by the laws of England. By accessing the Out of the Ashes Ltd website you agree to accept the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts in relation to any dispute that may arise in connection with these terms or your use of this website.